Calculate Savings Per Acre
Calculate your savings by switching from Valor® SX to RedEagle Flumioxazin 51% WDG
Flumioxazin 51% WDG Vs. Valor® SX
Cost per Acre Calculator for Corn and Soybeans
Enter your actual costs for each product and the per-acre rate you intend to use and look at the savings.
RedEagle Flumioxazin 51% WDG
Valor® SX
If you are using less than the full label rate and want to use a higher labeled rate for improved pre-emerge weed control, you can use this rate per acre of Flumioxazin 51% WDG for the same dollars per acre you are paying for Valor® SX. Even though you can now afford to use more, never use more than the maximum labeled rate.
It’s easy. Just fill in the blanks for your cost per pound of Valor® SX and the number of acres. We’ve benchmarked the cost of Flumioxazin 51% WDG at $29.00 and the rate at 2 oz./acre. You can change that to 3 oz./acre if you need to use a higher labeled rate for improved pre-emerge weed control. The calculator will show your savings even at the higher rate.
Pay Less and apply the savings to your farm’s bottom line. Or Use More. Are you now using a 2 oz. rate of Valor® SX just to save cost? Even though it’s not giving you the performance you need? Change to Flumioxazin 51% WDG so you can afford to use a higher rate. The calculator will show you how many oz./acre you can use with your savings with Flumioxazin 51% WDG.
If your retailer does not carry RedEagle Flumioxazin, contact for a RedEagle retailer near you.
For more information about Flumioxazin, click here.
Want to get a better deal on a premium pre-mix herbicide for soybeans? Calculate your savings by switching from Valor® XLT to RedEagle Flu-Rimuron
Flu-Rimuron Vs. Valor® XLT
Cost per Acre Calculator for Soybeans
Enter your actual costs for each product and the per-acre rate you intend to use and look at the savings.
RedEagle Flu-Rimuron
Valor® XLT
If you are using less than the full label rate and want to use a higher labeled rate for improved pre-emerge weed control, you can use this many ounces per acre of Flu-Rimuron above your current rate above for the same dollars per acre you are paying for Valor® XLT. Even though you can now afford to use more, never use more than the maximum labeled rate.
It’s easy. Just fill in the blanks for your cost per pound of Valor® XLT and the number of acres. We’ve benchmarked the cost of Flu-Rimuron at $29.00 and the rate at 3 oz./acre. You can change that to as much as 5 oz./acre if you need to use a higher labeled rate for improved pre-emerge weed control. The calculator will show your savings even at the higher rate.
Pay Less and apply the savings to your farm’s bottom line. Or Get More. Are you now using a 3 oz. rate of Valor® XLT just to save cost? Even though it’s not giving you the residual performance you need? Change to Flu-Rimuron and you get more residual control. The calculator will show you how many oz./acre you can use with your savings with Flu-Rimuron.
Are you using Envive® or Enlite® instead of Valor® XLT? Just plug in the cost of either of those products instead of Valor® and find out whether you may save even more with Flu-Rimuron. Plus, you get more residual control per ounce with Flu-Rimuron than with Envive® or Enlite®.
If your retailer does not carry RedEagle Flu-Rimuron, contact for a RedEagle retailer near you.
For more information about Flu-Rimuron, click here.